When Do Baby Teeth Fall Out?
When Do Baby Teeth Fall Out?

When Do Baby Teeth Fall Out?

Depending on the growth and development of children, the time of shedding milk teeth may vary. The date of shedding of all milk teeth is the date when children have reached the age of 12. During this period, all the baby teeth in the children’s mouths will fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth. The subject of milk tooth loss in children varies depending on the developmental level of children, and it is important to consult a pediatric dentist for early or delayed tooth loss.

How Many Baby Teeth Are There and When Do They Come Out?

For those who conduct research on when milk teeth fall out in children, it can be said over the age of 12 for the date of shedding of all milk teeth. The quality of the foods consumed by children and their eating habits will also change the date of shedding of milk teeth. With proper and regular nutrition, as well as effective dental care, it is possible to shed milk teeth on time and replace them with permanent teeth. Milk teeth in children;

  • Front teeth Decayed between 6 months and 10 months,
  • Decumbent teeth between 8 months and 13 months,
  • Upper side teeth Decurrent between 10 months and 16 months,
  • Canine teeth Decayed between 16 months and 23 months,
  • The first milk Decays are between 13 months and 19 months,
  • The second milk Decays can occur between 23 months and 33 months.

This period may also vary depending on children’s breast milk absorption levels and genetic factors.

The Time of Sliding and Shedding of Milk Teeth

The condition of late loss or late emergence of milk teeth depends entirely on genetic factors and nutritional options. In children with different eating habits, the order in which milk teeth fall out may change. In this context

  • all baby teeth need to be completed by the age of 6 months to 2 years.
  • In healthy babies, all milk teeth should be shed at the age of 12 and replaced by permanent teeth.

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Which Milk Teeth Fall Out First?

One of the contents that parents are most curious about babies is the question of whether all baby teeth fall out. During the loss of milk teeth, the first thing that comes out is the loss of the lower anterior incisors. This process usually happens when children are 5 years old. However, for some reasons, it is possible to extend up to the age of 12. 

between the ages of 7 and 8, the front teeth in the lower jaw begin to fall out, while between the ages of 9 and 12, the other teeth fall out Dec Dec and these teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. The order in which their teeth fall out is also related to their eating habits. Physical and genetic changes in children may also change the dates of milk tooth loss. In addition, regular and level-level eating habits, effective oral care can ensure that milk teeth fall out just in time.  For the healthy development of teeth, milk teeth also need to be shed on time.

How to Protect Baby Teeth in Children?

When children experience health problems such as caries and inflammation in their baby teeth, it is necessary to treat these teeth. If these teeth are at a level that will not be treated, these teeth should be removed. The periodontologist who performs the examination will give the most accurate information about whether rotten baby teeth should be removed. the problem of milk tooth shaking at the age of 5 is one of the problems that can occur frequently in children. In order to prevent this problem, it is necessary to obtain information from a dentist who is an expert in his field and apply the recommendations.

But before encountering caries, there are a number of points that need to be taken into account in terms of protecting baby teeth in children. Options such as not consuming excessively sugary foods, giving children the habit of brushing their teeth, cleaning their teeth with string and mouthwash will be enough to protect their teeth. In children, milk teeth will be completely shed at the age of 12 and permanent teeth will take their place. The timely appearance and timely shedding of milk teeth in children is completely related to the development of babies. Children who suck breast milk and take their nutrients literally will remove their baby teeth at the right time and shed them at the same time.