Causes Bad Breath
Causes Bad Breath

Causes Bad Breath

Bad breath, which greatly reduces the quality of life, is a health problem that affects both the person and the environment. Bad breath can occur for many reasons, as it can be a harbinger of various diseases. So what causes bad breath, how does it go Bad breath is a harbinger of which disease

Among the causes of bad breath, the inside of the mouth, which is not Decontaminated enough, can be cited as the first cause. Teeth and gums, which are not properly maintained and maintained, can cause bad breath and even many important health problems. A foul-smelling food that sometimes succumbs to this problem, which causes a negative impression in social relations, can occur due to stomach upsets or ear, nose and throat diseases. For this reason, halitosis for a definitive solution, the cause of halitosis must first be determined definitively.

What Is Bad Breath

This problem, which is often embarrassing for a person, is a health problem that people of all ages can experience. Bad breath, which we can also define as halitosis, can be intense enough to be noticed by those around the person. A bad smell that occurs in the mouth or on a person’s breath can be given as an answer to the question of what is bad breath.

For this bad smell seen in babies, children and adults, the topics of halitosis testing at home and how to remove halitosis at home are often investigated. At this point, there should be reasons for mouth odor that a person should prioritize. Since bad breath coming from teeth, gums, breath or stomach will occur for different reasons, the answer to the question of how to remove bad breath will also be different.

Causes of Bad Breath

One of the most common problems encountered in daily life is the halitosis problem that people experience. People who are experiencing this problem and dealing with the problem of bad breath that does not go away somehow aim to find a solution to this problem by conducting a research on ‘why does our mouth smell’. It is important to know the cause of the odor for an effective halitosis treatment. Although many elements are counted among the causes of bad breath, if it is necessary to Decipher in detail;

  • Oral hygiene that is not performed adequately and effectively
  • Cigarette consumption
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Dry mouth
  • Consumption of spicy, spicy and fragrant food
  • Long-term hunger
  • Reflux etc. stomach disorders
  • Chronic diseases
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Infections that occur in the nose, pharynx, inside the mouth, teeth and gums
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How to Remove Bad Breath

After finding the answer to the question of why bad breath causes, another issue that stands out is undoubtedly the question of how to eliminate bad breath. You can carry out halitosis treatment at home with various natural methods, as well as infection, etc. it is important to consult a dentist in cases. You can find a permanent solution to bad breath with a professional treatment.


For bad breath caused by simpler problems, you can use mouthwash, increase the use of green tea and sage, Jul gargling with these teas, you can have a cleaner and more refreshing smell. In addition, solutions such as reducing smoking and alcohol consumption, drinking plenty of water and not being hungry for a long time can eliminate bad breath October. But for a definitive solution to bad breath caused by various diseases or coming from the stomach, you should definitely see a doctor and be treated if necessary.