


The prominence of aesthetic concerns, especially medical problems, has also revealed the need to treat dental alignment or mouth closure problems. Orthodontics, developed for this purpose, is a branch of dentistry and is known as braces treatment. Conditions such as the shortness of the jaw structure or the fact that the teeth are large compared to the jaw structure disrupt the arrangement of the teeth and move the teeth away from the desired appearance. With the treatment provided by a specialist orthodontist, tooth alignment problems, especially jaw-face incompatibilities, are minimized. In this way, while eliminating aesthetic concerns, the treatment of medical disorders caused by sequence and closure disorders is provided at the same time. For detailed information about Trabzon orthodontic treatment and braces prices, you can create an appointment by contacting our Dekodent address.

What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that covers the treatment of correction of intermittent tooth or dental complications, removal of closing problems and structural disorders of the jaw. Orthodontics, which consists of the Latin words ortho (to fix) and donti (teeth and dental tissues), has a personalized treatment approach. Jaw structure problems caused by various reasons, closing problems and tooth alignment problems also bring with them many complaints. In addition to intraoral medical problems, the inability to effectively perform oral and dental health can cause problems up to caries and tooth loss. For this reason, early treatment should be provided whenever possible for structural irregularities that pose problems both functionally and aesthetically.

Why Do Orthodontic Problems Occur?

Orthodontic problems are one of the most common problems in oral and dental health. The causes of orthodontic problems can be genetic, as well as as a result of conditions that occur later. When considered in more detail, problems considered to be of genetic origin may include the Decussation of teeth, missing or excessive, jaw structure that prevents proper closure. In addition to these problems that can be passed on genetically, Decapitation of milk teeth stands out among the orthodontic problems that we may encounter later. In October, the Decapitation habit experienced in childhood, various accidents and dental traumas can also be considered among the conditions requiring orthodontic treatment.

Recommendation >> Trabzon Endodontics

Ailments that the Orthodontics Department Deals With

In general, the orthodontics department covers the treatment of dental complications and incorrect jaw positions. The orthodontics department is interested in the treatment of these disorders, which occur for various reasons and may cause significant problems in the future. In addition to aesthetic concerns, the ailments that affect chewing, speech and general body health and require orthodontic treatment are listed below;

  • Facing teeth: Teeth that are rotated or overlap with other teeth cause alignment problems. These problems are eliminated by braces and orthodontic treatments.
  • Spaced teeth: Teeth that are small compared to the jaw structure may have an intermittent appearance. In addition to various applications, an aesthetic appearance is achieved with orthodontic treatment.
  • Missing or embedded teeth: Teeth that cannot last, or existing teeth try to fill the gap that occurs if the teeth are missing for any reason. The resulting mismatch may require orthodontic treatment.
  • Closing problems: Closing problems experienced due to the jaw structure, orthodontic treatment should be performed without bringing more serious problems.

Orthodontic Treatments

Orthodontic treatment is needed due to various problems, especially dental alignment and closing problems. In this context, the orthodontics department aims to eliminate the problems experienced with various treatments. Among the orthodontic treatments that vary according to the problem experienced, the patient’s age and various special situations Dec;

  • Bracket: The brackets are glued to the tooth surface and provide an important solution to tooth Decoupling problems with wires passed between them.
  • Transparent Apparatus: One of the treatment methods that does not use braces is transparent apparatus. The devices that can be attached and removed are not easily noticed thanks to their transparency and offer an aesthetic treatment.
  • Jaw Brackets: The bracket placed on the lower or upper jaw supports the correct closure of the jaw.
  • Fixed Placeholder: With fixed placeholders placed in place of prematurely lost baby teeth, other teeth are prevented from sliding into the cavity, preventing tooth alignment problems.
  • Headgear: Headgear, which is a kind of orthodontic device placed on the patient’s head, is used to regulate the jaw alignment.

Things to Be Considered During the Treatment

The first and most important goal of orthodontic treatments is to eliminate oral and dental problems, to achieve a healthy and aesthetic smile by treating abnormal appearances. However, there are many points that need to be taken into account during the treatment process and will support the treatment. The first and most important issue to be considered during the treatment process should be care. Due to the apparatus used, there is a high probability that residues such as food will remain in the mouth. For this reason, you should perform regular and effective oral care and add cleaning products suitable for the devices you use to your routine.