
Smile Design

Smile Design
Smile Design

Although the first issue that comes to mind when it comes to oral and dental health is dental treatments caused by health problems and tooth loss, smile design has an important place in oral and dental health. All kinds of problems experienced in the mouth can lead to aesthetic losses as well as functional loss. In particular, disorders in the tooth arrangement, gum diseases, tooth loss or changes in tooth color have revealed the need for patients to have an aesthetic smile within the scope of smile design. Aesthetic smile design is completely patient-specific and is carried out taking into account patient expectations and needs. This application, which uses state-of-the-art digital devices, is also called digital smile design. Smile design You can get detailed information about the price and Trabzon smile design service through our communication channels.

What is Smile Design?

Today, in addition to functionality, aesthetic appearance has become an important need. For this reason, smile design continues to be one of the most researched topics. So what is smile design? Making the tooth, lip and jaw positions compatible and aesthetic according to various criteria, especially the patient’s facial structure, during smiling and posture can be defined as smile design. Digital software is used in these applications where a perfect smile is targeted, and the developed design can be shown to the patient before treatment. In this way, a treatment that will make the patient happy is started by obtaining the patient’s approval. Thanks to digital software, the results before and after smile design meet the patient’s expectations in the best way. The resulting near-perfect aesthetic smile is also known as the Hollywood smile.

Treatments Applied in Smile Design

Hollywood smile aesthetics, which is a holistic approach, aims to eliminate all kinds of problems that bother the patient. In this context, various treatments are applied in oral and dental health, especially for the jaw, teeth and gums. It is possible to list the procedures and treatments applied in smile design as follows;

  • Determining the smile line and harmonizing the smile with the lips,
  • Intervention of tooth sizes in response to the problem of misalignment of teeth,
  • Reducing the ratio of teeth and gums to the ideal level,
  • Treatment of rotten and broken teeth,
  • Application of orthodontic treatment for dental distortions,
  • Strengthening the tooth structure and performing tooth coating procedures.

How is Smile Design Done?

Patient expectations and needs are determined before aesthetic smile is achieved with digital smile design. During the treatment process to be applied within the scope of these expectations and needs, the doctor’s recommendation and patient approval are considered together. During the design and implementation process;

  • First, photos of the patient’s mouth interior and surroundings are taken in the foreground. Together with the face photos, they are transferred to special programs and the design that is most suitable for the patient is determined based on various criteria in the digital environment.
  • Dental and gum disorders, if any, are treated.
  • Intraoral measurements are taken with 3D intraoral scanners. Temporary teeth are prepared for the patient to use until the next session.
  • In procedures such as zirconium smile design, models specially prepared for the individual are rehearsed. If there are problems caused by the size, minor problems are corrected.
  • At the last stage, the teeth are given their final shape together with the patient’s ideas
  • After the last session, dentist checks are carried out at December intervals.

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What Should Be Considered When Designing a Smile?

Although it is important to have a healthy mouth and teeth in the design of a digital smile that is directly related to appearance, patient expectations and needs are always taken into account in this process. In particular, all the details are taken together for a perfect smile, which we call aesthetic and Hollywood smile. So what should be taken into account when designing a smile?

  • The patient’s facial structure
  • Personal characteristics such as gender, age, lip structure and lower lip line
  • Tooth dimensions,
  • Gum level and gum health
  • Any bruises, inflammation, etc. inside the mouth. whether there is a problem
  • Jaw closing or teeth clenching problems

How Long is the Treatment Time in Smile Design?

One of the aesthetic procedures that has been in vogue in recent years is smile design. It is a comprehensive treatment and the smile design treatment process varies according to the procedures to be applied. Patient complaints, especially patient characteristics, mouth and jaw structure are among the criteria that determine this treatment process. Dec. The treatment process, which varies depending on the treatments to be applied, can be completed between 1 and 15 days on average. Dec. Treatment can be applied on the same day, as well as for more important problems, this period can be prolonged.

Who Can Smile Design Be Made For?

The main purpose of smile aesthetics is to provide the patient with a perfect smile that will make him happy and make him feel good while smiling. Problems that disrupt the aesthetics of laughter, especially oral, dental and maxillofacial diseases, are treated and an aesthetic smile is provided. Even if the aesthetic problems experienced by the person do not cause any problems in terms of health, the patient can also have a smile design just to feel good when smiling. Just like almost everyone can choose smile aesthetic treatments, you can contact Dekodent, where Trabzon dentist staff is an expert in their field in terms of the treatment process and suitability for treatment.