
What is Aft and How Does it Pass?

Aft, also known as an intraoral wound, is a problem that greatly reduces the quality of daily life. Canker sores, which can appear in any area inside the mouth, are usually observed on the tongue, palate and inside the lips and cheeks. Due to the fact that it is a painful wound, it affects both speech and eating and is challenging for patients. In this process, why does canker sores occur or why canker sores come out, as well as the most important issue for patients is how can canker sores pass? is happening.

Although oral canker sores are usually a self-healing wound, the main goal with physician-controlled treatment is to speed up the healing process and minimize the pain complaint. In addition to physician-controlled treatments, it is possible to speed up the healing process of canker sores with some natural methods at home.

What is Aft?

Canker sores, also defined as aphthous ulcers, oral ulcers that cause pain, itching and burning, the white edges of the middle of which are seen in red color, can be given as an answer to the question of what is canker sores. These intraoral ulcers, which create an uncomfortable process for the patient from the moment they come out in the mouth, can be encountered as a result of conditions such as a weak immune system, hormonal factors, vitamin deficiency, infection or cheek biting. The condition of canker sores becomes important according to the location, size, number of canker sores and the length of time it stays in the mouth.

According to the size of the canker sores in the mouth, we can treat these wounds in the following 3 main headings;

  • Minor Canker Sores: These are moderate to severe canker sores that are common. superficial wounds smaller than 1 cm heal within 1-2 weeks.
  • Major Aft: The size of this rare aphthar may be larger than 1 cm. Major canker sores seen in gray and white colors heal Decently between 2-6 weeks and may leave scars.
  • Herpetiform Canker Sores: Herpetiform canker sores with a diameter of 1-2 mm that occur in groups and then tend to merge are defined as herpetiform canker sores. This rare condition usually occurs at a later age and heals within about 1 month without scarring.

What are the Causes of Aft?

Canker sores, which are difficult for the patient, can occur for various reasons. Especially canker sores on the tongue and canker sores on the gums are extremely uncomfortable and it is curious why they come out. Among the causes of Decapitation of these intraoral wounds, which can be seen in a part of 20% of the society, are the following:;

  • Low immune system
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency
  • Hormonal disorder or hormonal changes
  • Genetic factors
  • Food allergy (spicy, spicy, sour, gluten, chocolate foods, etc.)
  • Consumption of hard or very hot food, beverages
  • The use of braces
  • Celiac or behçet’s disease
  • Smoking or alcohol consumption
  • The use of braces or dentures that do not fit perfectly in the mouth

How Does Aft Pass?

Even if no treatment is applied, canker sores in the mouth, palate and tongue heal Decently between 7 and 10 days on average. In order to be able to pass this process faster and painlessly in self-healing intraoral wounds, you can pay attention to some points. So what is good for a mouth wound? how does aft pass?;

  • Using aphth medication and various tablets under the supervision of a physician according to the degree of aphth
  • Gargling with salt water 3 times a day
  • Getting vitamin and mineral support
  • Using anesthetic creams recommended for canker sores before meals
  • Avoiding irritating foods such as hot, spicy, bitter and sour

How is the Formation of Canker Sores Prevented?

It is very important for patients to accelerate the healing process of emerging canker sores, to keep the pain and burning sensation to a minimum during this process. But in addition, you can focus on some preventive practices to avoid ever encountering canker sores or to reduce the likelihood of canker sor October. To prevent the formation of canker sores, which stand out as mouth ulcers;

  • You should take care of oral care, perform a regular and effective oral cleaning.
  • You should strengthen your immune system by eating a balanced and healthy diet against vitamin and mineral deficiency.
  • You should stay away from harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol.
  • You should consult your dentist for dentures that do not fit perfectly in the mouth.
  • You should visit your dentist regularly for general checkups.
  • You should stay away from hard, hot and irritating foods.

When Should I Go to the Doctor For Canker Sores?

In general, canker sores are moderate mouth sores that pass on their own. However, if you say ’the canker sores in my mouth do not go away’ or if you are constantly experiencing the problem of canker sores, you may need to get specialist support for this. So when should you go to the doctor for aft? If your pain has increased above moderate severity, if it has not been going away for more than 3 weeks, you should consult a specialist dentist. in addition to the complaint of canker sores that have not passed for 1 month, diarrhea and the formation of canker sores in the genital area other than the mouth can be considered as an indicator that the situation is serious.