The third molars, known as the 20th tooth, begin to come out at the age of 17-18. by the age of 21, he will have completed his development. The pressure exerted by these teeth during the extraction process can cause a lot of pain to people. As a result of these teeth not coming out correctly, they can damage the surrounding teeth and jawbone. Everyone can present themselves with a different situation. They can come out completely, or they can come out fully or semi-buried on the jawbone. If they do not come out completely, the problem that we know as a 20 year toothache begins. What is good for wisdom tooth pain, which is strong enough to disrupt people’s daily life, what are the symptoms, it may involve a process that varies from person to person.
Our milk teeth, which come out during infancy, leave their place to molars in later periods. Molars come out respectively during certain periods in the teeth. Molars, which we know as wisdom teeth, come out at the end of 10 years in childhood and at the end of 20 years in adolescence. They occupy the last place in the lower and upper jaw in terms of position. Although the name is mentioned as a 20-year-old tooth, there are also conditions that come out in the 30s or cause discomfort. The jaw that a person has had depends on the factors of bone development. If the exit space is tight, the gum, the neighboring tooth condition is available, they can exit normally. If the situation is the opposite, it is possible for the teeth to come out crooked, protrude towards neighboring teeth or jawbone.
Our teeth come out in a certain order and development. After the emergence of the incisors, canine teeth and molars, the process of the emergence of 20 year old teeth begins when the bone and jaw development is completed.
During the exit process, pain may occur, especially in the jaw. Some people can get through this process with mild pain. Those who experience this process are most interested in the question of how many 20 teeth come out in how many days. Within 4-5 days after the pain in the jaw begins, the palate splits and teeth begin to appear.
Advice: What is good for a dental abscess
Toothache is a problem in itself. This process, which is experienced in rotten teeth, filling teeth, makes itself felt with much more in wisdom teeth. the symptoms of toothache of 20 are generally known by the following forms;
The appearance of wisdom teeth can cause pain to anyone, even a little. This is because the teeth apply pressure to the gums to get out, and eventually the gums split. Patients can also resort to various methods in order to pass the pain during this process. However, making a wrong choice in the name of preventing pain can make the situation worse.
To give an example, you should also take care of your mouth and teeth when there is pain. Not brushing your teeth would be a wrong thing to do during this period. Continue your care routine with a soft toothbrush, dental floss and mouthwash that can reach all parts of your tooth whenever possible. However, if your pain is severe, you can also use the pain medication recommended by your dentist.
If you want to apply soothing methods during the pain period, you can also apply the following;
Advice : Bleeding Gums
If the condition of your 20 year old tooth now requires surgical intervention, the tooth can be removed in this case. If there are situations that require such an intervention,;
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” Last Updated on : 10.09.2024 ”
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